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It goes without saying that we ALL spend a lot of time on our smartphones and other tech devices. We check Facebook, Instagram, we “post”, we play, we zoom! Endless hours of video games, movies and Netflix result in lots of time spent looking down. Most of us sit at a computer for long periods of time, use iPads, read on a Kindle or other device. In other words, our heads are dropped and our chins are tucked as we focus on our technology of choice. The result? Tech neck. 

Yes, it’s a “thing”. A real thing. Tech neck brings some concerning issues, one of them anatomical. All that looking down begins to diminish the natural C-curve of our cervical spine. And another critical concern on the “beauty front” are the neck wrinkles that are a result.  It is the repetition and consistent looking down at our devices and technology that causes the horizontal lines and neck wrinkles that give tech neck it’s name. 

Fun fact? You can prevent neck wrinkles and do some things to help avoid tech neck.. 

What causes neck wrinkles and tech neck?

The natural aging process results in many changes to our skin, loss of collagen and skin laxity, especially for the skin of our necks. The lovely and tender skin of our necks is as thin as the skin of our eyelids. (Another fun fact and a helpful piece of knowledge to have so that you can prevent neck wrinkles). 

The care of the skin of our neck is just as important as the skincare regimen for our face. And just as the repetitive use of our facial muscles causes “frown lines” when frustrated and “crow’s feet” each time we smile, the repetitive tucking of our chins and looking down at our tech devices over and over and over again, causes what has become commonly referred to as tech neck.    

What is the best cream for neck lines?

SkinMedica Neck Correct Cream is “hands down” one of the best creams for neck lines and neck wrinkles on the market today. This stellar cream was created specifically for the treatment of neck wrinkles and to help prevent neck wrinkles, as well as improve skin laxity. It uses a signature antioxidant blend with “super powers’.’ 

Lemon Balm, Green Microalgae and Shiitake Mushroom Extract support dermal thickness and the elasticity of the skin of the neck. Free radicals are “eradicated” and your skin is protected by the powerful Knotgrass Extract and Dunaliella Salina ingredients. Big words, perhaps. But, they bring “big” results. Paracress Extract helps the appearance of sagging skin and the vertical lines or “cords” (connective tissue and musculature under the skin) that appear as we age.

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SkinMedica Neck Correct Cream to prevent neck wrinkles

As the very best cream for neck lines, SkinMedica Neck Correct Cream benefits a myriad of neck issues and signs of aging that are inevitable. It also helps with the “wear and tear” from the overuse of technology and life in general (dehydration and free radicals in our environment). With the use of SkinMedica Neck Correct Cream, your skin will improve significantly, becoming firmer and smoother. Your skin’s texture and elasticity will improve as the appearance of sagging, crepey skin and neck wrinkles are minimized and even “reversed” significantly.

What other treatments help prevent neck wrinkles and tech neck?

One of the best ways to prevent neck wrinkles and “arrest” tech neck is to be mindful of the time you are spending using your tech devices. If your lifestyle or job requires you to spend long periods of time at a computer or on social media, take breaks. Be mindful of your posture and align your technological device so that you are looking at it at eye level. Hey, a stack of books is an immediate and helpful solution so that you are able to let your gaze be straight ahead instead of constantly downward. 

There are also several available treatments for neck wrinkles and tech neck, including:

  • SkinPen Microneedling
  • Broadband Light (BBL) Therapy
  • Ultherapy
  • Vivace Radiofrequency Microneedling

SkinPen Microneedling

SkinPen Microneedling is a viable option to restore collagen to your skin. Collagen is lost as we age. It is the necessary and critical “ingredient” for our skin’s foundation and health. Collagen “combats” wrinkles and sun damage. Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling supports the restoration and  production of collagen by making tiny micro-injuries that your skin “repairs” with collagen.

DermaTouch RN Blog Houston San Antonio SkinMedica

Broadband Light (BBL) Therapy

Broadband Light Therapy is a skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a very specific and specialized pulsed light energy to improve your skin. These Intense and focused pulses of light result in the improvement of:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Age spots and brown spots
  • Skin laxity
  • Crepey and sagging skin


FDA cleared Ultherapy treatment improves the visible signs of aging of your neck. It uses ultrasound energy to noninvasively penetrate your skin’s foundation and stimulate your natural skin’s production of collagen. These “deep” ultrasound waves support and encourage your own skin’s ability to create collagen. Neck wrinkles will improve with this safe and comfortable nonsurgical treatment.

Vivace Microneedling

There are so many wonderful options to improve the texture and appearance of your skin, particularly the skin of your neck. Neck wrinkles and their appearance, often referred to “trending” tech neck, can be a tell-tale sign of aging. 

Vivace Microneedling combines thermal energy (heat) and collagen stimulation to tighten your skin. Little perforations are made during the Vivace Microneedling process and your skin’s own collagen “fills” in or repairs these spaces, resulting in younger looking skin. The radiofrequency energy used in this treatment also supports greater collagen production and tightens sagging and crepey skin. 

DermaTouch RN has several treatments for tech neck

The beautiful skin of your neck is just as important as the beautiful skin of your face. Your neck can be a “giveaway” of age, especially tech neck. Now you can choose from multiple, superior state-of-the-art treatments for tech neck at DermaTouch RN in both Houston and San Antonio. Our highly trained experts can help you choose a regimen and treatment plan to “restore” more youthful skin and to “reverse” tech neck. Give us a call and “look up” and forward to more beautiful youthful skin at DermaTouch RN. 

Book your San Antonio of Houston skin care appointment or consultation online 24/7 or call 210.951.3520 (San Antonio) or 281.895.9090 (Houston) to schedule!

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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
