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Do you get frustrated with having to shave every day or every few days? Especially in the summer when our skin is more exposed? Then you might want to consider laser hair removal to permanently get rid of that pesky hair!

At DermaTouch RN, we offer hair removal packages to meet a variety of budgets and needs. And with our state-of-the-art laser, we are confident we are providing a top-of-the-line hair removal system backed by proven results. 

Laser Hair Reduction in Houston, TX

What causes ingrown hairs or shaving bumps (PFB)?

You probably don’t give a lot of thought to shaving bumps, or their official name (Pseudo Folliculitis or PFB), unless you have one or get them frequently. We see patients who have this issue at DermaTouch RN, and fortunately, we have the technology to make shaving bumps and ingrown hairs history!

Shaving bumps are caused by a foreign body inflammatory reaction involving papules and pustules. The pathogenesis of PFB is caused by:

  1. Extrafollicular penetration that occurs when hair reenters the skin after a close shave.
  2. Transfollicular penetration that occurs when the sharp tip of a growing hair pierces the follicle wall after a close shave.

Laser hair removal helps get rid of Shaving Bumps and Ingrown Hairs!

DermaTouch, RN provides the most advanced FDA approved laser technology to help reduce and eliminate Pseudo Folliculitis (PFB), aka shaving bumps. This advanced technology allows us to treat all ethnic groups and skin types safely and effectively in the Houston and San Antonio,  TX areas.

The light of the laser is absorbed by pigment in actively growing hair. This process damages the hair follicle, resulting in the absence or re-growth. The average client sees a short-term reduction of shaving bumps within weeks after just one or two treatments.

How does laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

Laser hair reduction is designed to permanently reduce hair by targeting and heating the pigment in the hair follicle. The hair then falls out and the follicle does not produce any more hair in the future. The treatment works best on dark hairs vs. light hairs, though new technology allows us to treat lighter hairs, as well.

What Can I Expect During a Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

When you’re tired of shaving or have unwanted hair in certain areas of our body, then laser hair removal can be a viable option. Laser hair reduction can be a permanent solution in many cases to stop hair growth in its tracks. Results vary based on the patient.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal?

Prior to treatment, do not wax, pluck, use depilatories or undergo electrolysis for at least two weeks prior to treatment. Shaving with an electric shaver or razor blade is ok. You also need to avoid all forms of tanning for approximately six weeks prior to treatment. All cold sores need to be completely healed prior to treatment, as well.

The day of your treatment, you’ll want to shave the designated area to remove all hair. The less surface hair above the skin will allow for a more comfortable and effective treatment. 

How many treatments will I need?

Because only a portion of your hair is in the active phase at the time of treatment, a series of treatments is recommended for long-term hair removal. Typically, 6 to 8 treatments will be required for long-term effects. Treatments are spaced 4 to 12 weeks apart depending on the anatomical position of the hair and hair growth cycles.

Treatments will be required until the hair stops growing. Hair must be treated during the active, or anagen, phase of hair growth. Hair grows in staggered growth cycles, so multiple treatments are required to ensure all hair is treated during the growth phase. The number of treatments required varies by individual and area of the body being treated. 

Typically, laser hair removal results are long-term. One or two annual touch-up treatments may be required after completing the initial treatment series.

What is the cost of laser hair reduction and removal?

The cost of laser hair reduction and removal varies depending on the number of treatments required. Prices range from $390 to $2200 per treatment, depending on the area being treated. 

Choose laser hair reduction at DermaTouch RN!

The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the number of treatments required. Prices range from $390 to $2200 per treatment, depending on the area being treated. At DermaTouch RN, we have very competitive pricing on Laser Hair Removal packages in Houston and San Antonio.

Throw away your razors and shaving cream. 

Contact DermaTouch RN today to schedule your consultation to discuss whether or not your viable candidate for laser hair removal!

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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
