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Wondering if CoolSculpting or Liposuction is the better option for you? Read on to learn about CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction, as well as Kybella, another fat reduction treatment available.

Spring and summer are (thankfully!) right around the corner, which means summers vacations, as well as shorts, swimsuits, sundresses, and short sleeve shirts. But wait! Are you ready? Are you concerned about those few inches of fat that tends to get you down?

We’ve got the answer for you. Plan that trip to your favorite coast and let DermaTouch RN help get you prepared for that getaway. How? – With fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting and Kybella. Of course, you might also be considering other fat reduction techniques, like liposuction. 

As you begin to compare CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction, perhaps the most important difference to consider is that CoolSculpting is a non surgical and non invasive fat reduction treatment, while Liposuction is a surgery and requires anesthesia, downtime and recovery. Kybella is a non-surgical injectable treatment. 

Your Fat Reduction Options

Fat reduction technologies are better than ever as technology continues to improve daily. No matter your age, it’s not too late for you to choose to have a slimmer contoured you by reducing body fat. Fat reduction technologies are especially good options for those areas of stubborn fat that are slow to respond to diet and exercise.

Among non-invasive and non surgical fat reduction options are CoolSculpting fat-freezing technology and Kybella injectables. Surgical fat reduction options include Liposuction. 

CoolSculpting technology freezes and breaks down fat cells in the targeted areas. The body “sloughs” these cells in a matter of 1 to 3 months with no downtime. The result?  A loss of inches of body fat in the targeted areas. As many as 9 areas of body fat are FDA cleared for treatment with this non surgical technique.

Kybella, created by the renowned Allergan Company (also the makers of CoolSculpting), is an injectable fat reduction treatment. No surgery required, and Kybella treats unwanted fat under the chin commonly referred to as a “double chin.” 

Liposuction or lipoplasty is a surgical option for fat reduction and requires recovery time. In a surgical procedure, fat cells in the targeted areas are “vacuumed” out via a small tube or cannula and a hospital stay is typically necessary.

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction vs. Kybella

Surgical Options: Liposuction

Liposuction, or Lipo, as it’s commonly referred to, is a surgical fat removal procedure. Lipo uses suction, thus its name, to remove fat from the targeted areas. Hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck can be treated with this surgical option.

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction: Like CoolSculpting, Liposuction is not a weight loss method but a fat removal and reduction technique. People who have a disproportionate amount of fat in a specific area but are otherwise weight proportionate are likely good candidates for Liposuction. Liposuction is used most often with patients who have these significant pockets of fat. Additionally, liposuction can sometimes be used for breast reduction.

When we gain weight, our fat cells increase in size. The surgical suction technique used in Liposuction is administered under anesthesia and small incisions are made in the skin. A cannula (small tube) is placed in these holes and fat cells are literally sucked out by a “vacuum” type system. It is important to maintain a stable weight after Liposuction in order to maintain your newly contoured body. Additional weight gained can show up in areas where fat cells have not been removed.

Because Liposuction is a surgery, there are risks and critical concerns. If you are considering Liposuction, it is important to be in excellent health. Your risks increase if you are diabetic, have coronary heart disease or a compromised immune system. Side effects can include irregularities in body contouring, “pocked” skin texture, accumulation of fluid under the skin and temporary or permanent numbness.

Most Liposuction surgery treatments require an overnight stay in the hospital and recovery time.

Ask your doctor if Liposuction is the right fat reduction for you. 

Non-Surgical Options: CoolSculpting Elite and Kybella

CoolSculpting Elite Fat Reduction

What is CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is fast becoming the most popular non-invasive non surgical fat reduction treatment on the market. Innovative CoolSculpting Elite technologies allow for the treatment of multiple area of targeted fat at one time, giving you the results you are looking for.

CoolSculpting Elite is a great option for you if you are “in the neighborhood” of your ideal weight and are trying to target those fat pockets that are particularly stubborn. You know which ones they are – belly fat, “love handles”, “back fat.” Need we go on?

CoolSculpting Elite fat freezing technology literally freezes the fat cells in the targeted areas. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss program. Instead, it is a fat reduction treatment. Fat is frozen with cryolipolysis technology. Those cells begin to disappear over a period of 1 to 3 months after treatment. Your body reabsorbs, sloughs and “dissipates” those targeted cells and they are gone for good! 

This fat freezing cosmetic procedure is virtually painless and treatments are administered in a comfortable spa-like setting. There is little to no downtime after CoolSculpting Elite treatment. 

CoolSculpting Elite is FDA cleared to eliminate fat in nine different areas of the body. 

  • Inner Thigh Fat
  • Outer Thigh Fat
  • Belly and Abdominal Fat
  • Flank and Waist Fat (referred to as “Love Handles” or“Muffin Top”)
  • Upper Arm Fat
  • Fat around the Knees 
  • Fat under the Buttocks (banana rolls)
  • Fat under the Chin
  • Fat around the Bra Line (or Back Fat)

If you don’t believe it, see for yourself. Take a look at CoolSculpting results in before and after photos here. What do you have to lose? Fat! What do you have to gain? A more confident thinner and svelter you!

Book a personalized consultation with DermaTouch RN today and learn about the CoolSculpting Elite cost and the affordability of this non-invasive fat reduction treatment. We’ve got your back (fat –hehe).

On a final note, when you research CoolSculpting, you’ll likely come across the term cryolipolysis. What is cryolipolysis? It’s the scientific term for how CoolSculpting works – cryolipolysis is the fat freezing technique used.

Kybella Fat Reduction

What is Kybella?

Kybella injectables are the solution for that “double chin” nobody wants. Restore the profile of your youth with this non-surgical fat reduction treatment that “dissolves” fat under your jawline.

In 3 to 6 treatments, active ingredient deoxycholic acid rids you of the fat that contributes to the look of a “double chin.” Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring chemical and is easily injected into the targeted fat pockets. Fall back in love with your profile with Kybella fat reduction injectables. 

DermaTouch RN – Your Fat Reduction Specialists

Even with great habits there are often stubborn pockets of fat that just do not want to budge. DermaTouch RN is the “best in Texas” when it comes to being a top provider of minimally invasive fat reduction treatments in the nation. Just another reminder that you can be a slimmer version of your beautiful self. 

If you want to lose fat, book your San Antonio or Houston appointment or consultation online 24/7. Or, call 210.951.3520 (San Antonio) or 281.895.9090 (Houston) to schedule! Also, ask about our DermaTouch RN monthly specials to see how much you can save on your non-surgical fat reduction treatments.

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DermaTouch RN offers minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments for men and women in Houston, San Antonio, Spring and Cypress, as well as the surrounding areas of Texas. We are the largest aesthetic practice in the Houston area, and all of our medical spa treatments are performed by a team of nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and aestheticians who receive continuing education to remain abreast of emerging treatments that benefit our patients. We invite you to learn more about our office before your consultation.
